Friday, June 27, 2008


Today was the last day of VBS. The kids had a great time and Lulu and I had some special time, just the two of us. Here are some pictures from today.

Micah singing with the Kindergartners and First graders

Regan singing A wiki, B wiki, C wiki
I think the A stands for admit, B- believe and C- confess and wiki means quickly, at least that is what the kids said.

Regan on the water slide. I was wishing I had my bathing suit on, it was HOT today!

Regan getting ready to climb the wall

look at her climb!

Max watching

Micah belaying on

And up he goes
I even got in on the action!
(the last 4 pictures were taken by Regan with my Canon D40, not bad for her first time!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, fun! What a VBS! Tomorrow night our Adventure Week ends with a tailgate party and fireworks. Now THAT'S a big bang ending to a non-VBS week.
