Tuesday, August 4, 2009

school daze

I have finally started doing some prep work for our school year (starting in just 4 weeks). I had great intentions of keeping up with math and a few other things over the summer, but with the first trimester woes I lost motivation for doing much other than laying on the couch. So, instead of feeling guilty about all we did not do this summer I decided to enjoy the time off and do some things (like sewing and reading) that I won't have much time for once we start school. But now it is time to start thinking about the school year, and what I need to do now to insure a successful year, and here is where I started...

Yesterday I loaded Rosetta Stone (French) onto the computer and tried out a few lessons, pretty fun, I am looking forward to learning along with the kids.

I made a schedule, now I just need to pray that I can stick with it (I am not really much of a schedule girl)!

And I ran over to Office Max to take advantage of their back to school penny sale. I got everything in this picture for a whopping total of $.76! Yes, that's 6 folders, 3 packs of lined paper, 36 pencils, 3 rulers and 3 Sharpies for all for $.76 (tax included).
All in all, a pretty productive day, hopefully there will be many more of those in the next few weeks!


  1. We love Rosetta Stone! We are using it again this year for Spanish. Did you buy the Homeschool Version?

  2. Alicia,
    Yes, we got the Homeschool Version- I bought it from Sonlight as they had the best price I have seen.

  3. wow those are awesome school deals...i can not believe the school year is fast approaching already.

  4. Amy, Great deals! Are you doing vol.1 or 2 of Konos this year? Are you joining the co-op? We are going with 2 this time.

  5. Cynthia, We loved out first year of Konos last year, but with the baby coming this year I knew that I would not be up to it for this school year- instead we are using Sonlight and hoping to suppliment in Konos activities when ever possible. I am sure by January the kids will be begging me to go back to Konos :)

  6. Hi just saw the Konos comment we use Konos as well, we do other things too, so are not exclusive to it.

    Congrats on the coming arrival:-)
