Thursday, September 17, 2009

my up and coming fashion designer

Regan came to me the other day and said she wanted to "decorate" one of her shirts. She had picked out a plain white, collared shirt that she never wears and had a plan involving ribbon, sequins and buttons. While I was making dinner, she started digging through the craft supplies and trying different thing, in spare moments here and there over the last 3 days I have sewn things on in her desired places and here is the final product! She loves her new creation and it looks like we may have saved a shirt from the sad life of sitting at the bottom of the drawer unworn!


  1. wow! well done, regan, but i have to say, after i read the post title, i was not too surprised by the photo. :-)

  2. nice job, I love it. she may be the next big designer, she certainly ha an eye for style.
