Okay, so my friend Joanna included me in her "Tell Me About Yourself Award" post today. I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself you don't already know and pass the award on to 15ish other people. I think I will start with saying:
(1) I am not one to always play by the rules- but telling you 7 things you don't know about me sounded like fun- so I will do that, but I am not passing the "award" on (Sorry Joanna!)
(2) I laughed when Joanna listed this as her #1 thing, but I too am not a "kid person". At least not other peoples kids :)
(3) I have taken a number of Spiritual Gifts tests over the years and have scored a 0 for the gift of teaching every time (and yet here I am homeschooling my 5 children! Doesn't God have a great sense of humor?).
(4) During High School and College I traveled extensively (like to 15 different counties) doing short term mission.
(5) Despite all that travel 15-20 years ago, it has been nearly 10 years since I last left the country or even boarded a plane!
(6) I sooo wanted to bungee jump off of this bridge while I was at Victoria Falls in 1996, but did not have enough $. Several of my friends did get to jump though :)
(7)When I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. I wore a back brace for 10 years. The Dr's said surgery (when I got older) was the only solution. God healed my back (the curve went from 40 degrees to 18 degrees in 5 months and my back now has a normal 10 degree curve). God is good.
That's hilarious, Amy! I love that you did not play by the rules!!