Friday, November 14, 2008

sewing again

I am getting started on Christmas presents, hoping to do lots of sewing (that I will have to keep secret on here) in the next 6 weeks, but I can show you these...
Seems like everyone is having babies right now! I can't keep up with it all, and I hope that no one feels left out that I have not made your baby a blanket... I have the best of intentions and hope to get better at this, because I LOVE making and giving gifts! I still have not given one of these blankets and am counting on the fact that my friend just had her baby and is way to tired and busy to be reading my blog... If you are (reading), just act surprised when you get it :)

Here is a better look at the fabric in the bottom blanket, it's from Ikea and is supper cute!


  1. those are so cute! someday i am really going to sew.

  2. that fabric is great, my daughter has a bed set with that fabric from IKEA. i love those kind of baby blankies...simple and sweet. we try to make one for every baby we know as a welcome gift.

  3. Thank you so much for OUR baby blanket! Little Boy B. will love it!
