Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Long overdue

So, I guess I have been a little slack in blogging lately. February was busy with my birthday, our 8th anniversary and a Valentine's dinner at our church which I coordinated a silent auction for. Post auction blogging was out for awhile since my tendinitis flared up from all the computer time. I am just now getting back to normal. Occasional pain with repetitive actions, but if I am careful, I should be as good as new by next week!

We are trucking along in school. Only 12 weeks left for the school year! We have stopped using the Sonlight readers and moved on to more challenging stuff for both Regan and Micah. Except for needing some work on his sight words, Micah is reading almost at the same level as Regan. It is amazing how quickly he catches on to a concept once we go over it a time or two!
We have make it to Elisha in Bible. The kids are enjoying Bible so much that they often ask Phil to read more to them when he come home at night. We finished our study on everyday living through the ages in History and are onto Jungles. We are also reading Grandma's Attic and listening to Little House on the Prairie on CD.
Regan started Piano lessons this month and is picking it up quickly. She has a wonderful teacher, Phillip Wirtz :). Max is still loving preschool and asks every morning if it is a preschool day!

Well, I hate to cut this short, but American Idol is about to start, final 12 sing tonight and I don't want to miss it! I will write more soon about my plans for next year, I am getting excited as I go through our new curriculum!

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