Wednesday, October 24, 2012

i need a mental health day

I am feeling a little overwhelmed these days.  There is so much to do and we are accomplishing so little!  I am tired (without any real excuse since Emmaline has been sleeping through the night (10 hrs) for weeks now) and short tempered.  I can't seem to organize my thoughts let alone my house.  When we do school it has been going better this year than ever before, the problem is finding time (and a clean space on the table) to actually do school!
If I could just bring myself to allow some sort of routine and spend a little time planning each week I know things would be much better, but everything in me fights against routine!  The problem is, when you have 8 people living, schooling and running a business in a small space you some structure! 

So, I think it is time to stop all the activity, organize our space, and make a loose plan for our days.  I also need to carve out a few minutes everyday to write down my thought and ideas.  Wish me luck!

P.S.  I couldn't get my act together enough to work out while the kids were in PE at the Y today, but I did spend a few minutes drawing up my June pattern for the calendar and as soon as I get things in order here I will start stitching it up :)

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