Tuesday, August 7, 2012

big sister

I thought she would be jealous.  But instead she has been pretty enamored.  Where ever Emmaline is, Addie is usually not far away.  When Addie went out with me and my mom the other day she was asking where Emmaline was...

And today, when we asked if she wanted to hold Emmaline, Addie said "yes" for the first time!  She held her for a long time and then asked to hold her again a few minutes later.  She's gonna be a great big sister :)

In other news, with my mom here to help, I've found a few minutes to work on a little project I've been thinking about since I saw it's inspiration on Pinterest.  Here is a little peak at the beginnings of my test pattern.  I will show you more once I finish this up, hopefully in the next couple days :)

1 comment:

Dora, the Quilter said...

Oh, what sweet pictures. I do hope they manage to be lifelong friends as well as sisters.


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