Sunday, March 29, 2009

flower tutorial

Okay, so maybe I have gone a bit overboard with Maya's basket tutorial, but they were just sew cute and easy (and cheap) to make I had to sew up a bunch (21) for our families Easter dinner.

Anyway, I made my flowers a little different than Maya's and she asked if I would do a tutorial, so here goes! I've only done this tutorial thing once before, and I am not one for keeping track of the fine details, but luckily these don't really require a lot of detailed instructions...

I used recycled craft felt from Michael's or Joanne's and cut a strip about 1"x3.5". then I cut 5 humps. Don't worry too much about size or shape, those are all things that can be corrected later.

Sew a running stitch through the straight edge...


and tie off ends of thread.

Cut a circle for the flower center and leaves.

I found is easiest to stack them all up where I wanted and sew them all together at once.

There's your flower! Pretty easy, huh?

Here is a picture of the back of another flower.

There they all are (I only put flowers on the one's for the girls, lots of boys in my family). You can play with the shape of your petals too (I did on the second basket in this pic.) Have fun!
p.s. I added a link to my tutorials on the left sidebar... hopefully I will have more to add soon :)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

you make tons of stuff look easy... took me 4 flowers to come up with a method like that. if i had only procrastinated, i could have learned from you! and i take at least 20 min for 1 basket!


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