Tuesday, December 8, 2009

out of line

I have been pretty much out of commission the past 5 days because of back pain- it seems my sacrum is all out of whack. I finally got into the Physical Therapist today and am experiencing some relief, but am still felling restricted in what I can do. At least I no longer have pain shooting down my back every step I take! Anyway, I had great plans for having a clean, Christmassy house, baking lots of cookies and bread and doing lots of crafts with the kids. Instead my house is a mess, there is no baking going on and all crafting is relegated to things that do not require much movement on my part. So with only two days of preschool left I am stitching up ornaments to give the teachers for Christmas presents and hopefully tomorrow I might get some cookies made to go along with those ornaments- here's a peak at what I've done so far...

1 comment:

Melissa Stover said...

love the white and blue ornament. what a pretty pattern!


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