Wednesday, September 22, 2010

on being the youngest

I am the youngest in my family and there are certain advantages that come along with being the youngest that I would not want to give up- like getting to do things your parents NEVER would have let your older siblings do when they were younger. But there is also a certain amount of torture that goes along with it too. My siblings told me I had a brain tumor when I was little and called me a "Tarb" (Brat spelled backward).

In our house it happens too. Regan was playing with Addie today and grabbed the camera to take some pictures- I turned around to see this:
Addie, wearing her sisters size 8 dress!
Clearly she is pretty unfazed by it all!

In case you were wondering, I am still trying to find time for a bit of crafting here and there. I whipped up this camera strap today for another mom at Classical Conversations. I noticed last week she was carrying her camera around with no strap and I just could not get it out of my head to make one for her, so here it is! I hope she likes it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

umm... how much would a strap like that cost me? : ) Love it!


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